Thursday, July 19, 2012

In the beginning....

In the beginning it was just me and Spence.  Now we're expecting a baby come January so, for those of you with basic math skills, you'll see that two will soon be three and we couldn't be more happy and excited and nervous and just a little bit scared, but mostly happy and excited.  In June we got to see the first picture of our growing baby and listen to its little heartbeat.  Here's a picture of the ultrasound:

He or she is already starting to look more like a human being and less like an alien tadpole :) 

Anyway, now we're 15 weeks along and I'm finally out of the all-day sickness phase which shall forever be known as The Days of Perpetual Puking.  Spencer is relieved because he's allowed to cook and eat food in the house again.  He had been banished to eating certain foods outside or in the car and to using the grill out by the apartment pool if he wanted to cook meat.  But he was a trooper and seriously never complained once. 

Next month we get to find out the gender.  Yus!!



  1. So happy you're having a baby! You'll be a terrific mom. And I'm also excited about your blog--yay!
